Why Businesses Choose EPDM Coating ?

Businesses have a lot of choices when it comes to selecting a roofing solution. Not all of these solutions are created equally, however. While asphalt roofing remains a popular option for many, the truth is that it poses many attendant risks that those who apply it do not like to discuss. Because asphalt must be applied hot, it poses serious risks for your business and its employees, as well as the contractors who are applying it to your business’ roof. Outside of asphalt, there are other options, but many of these also pose the same dangers to your business and the health of your employees and the people who apply the roof.

EPDM does not pose these risks. Made from the byproduct of oil and natural gas, EPDM roofing is applied cold. This means that it doesn’t pose nearly the same level of health and safety risks as other roofing solutions. In addition, EPDM roofing is incredibly simple to apply. This means that selecting it as your roofing solution allows you to continue with business as normal with minimal to no interruption.

Aside from these benefits, EPDM roofing is perhaps the most durable roofing material on the market. Coming in black and white colors, it’s resistant to ultraviolet radiation, which increases its longevity. Also, EPDM is incredibly weather resistant, which means that severe weather does not pose a risk to the continued functionality of your business’ roof. Finally, unlike other roofing materials like asphalt, EPDM is capable of operating in temperatures that fluctuate well below zero to over 300 degrees Fahrenheit.

Making Repairs With EPDM Coating

There’s another tremendous benefit to using EPDM roofing as your business’ roofing solution: Repairs are simple! Because EPDM roofing is incredibly durable, most often repairs that need to be made to such roofs are relatively minor.

The same benefits that apply to using an EPDM roof in the first place apply to making repairs with EPDM coating as well. Because EPDM coating does not need to be applied to your roof while it is hot, it does not pose the risks that other roofing solutions, like asphalt, pose to the contractors applying it and the employees in your business. In addition, since it’s applied cold, you won’t have to interrupt the normal course of business while repairs are being made.

A repair with EPDM coating can be made simply by qualified contractors. The coating is basically a liquid form of the EPDM roofing material itself. After the roof has been cleaned, the EPDM coating is spread out across the roof using EPDM rollers and then left to dry. Because EPDM coating requires approximately one day to dry, you’ll need to make sure that it is applied when there is no inclement weather in the forecast. In addition, an EPDM coating can only dry when the temperature is above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. So make sure that you have some nice weather upcoming when you go to make repairs.